Focus on Function!

ADL Balance Blog

Not Functional? Not True.

Not Functional? Not True.

On occasion, I hear feedback that the ADL Balance Trainer is not "functional." We clearly promote it as a functional training product, heck it is e...

Why are Rehab Gyms so Small?

Why are rehab gyms so small? Regular, open-to-the-public gyms are around 20K square feet. My guess is that a typical gym in sub-acute rehab (IPR, S...

The Body's 4 Natural Defenses to Fight Falls

The Body's 4 Natural Defenses to Fight Falls

Standing balance is one's ability to remain upright and steady. Steadiness is maintaining the body's center of pressure (COP) well within the base ...

5 Steps for Learning to Stand Without Hand Support

5 Steps for Learning to Stand Without Hand Support

A lot of patients in post-acute rehab cannot stand without holding onto something - walkers, tables, grab bars, THERAPISTS, etc. Many of these pati...

2 Tips to Improve Dynamic Balance with the ADL Balance Trainer

2 Tips to Improve Dynamic Balance with the ADL Balance Trainer

Dynamic balance is the ability to keep steady while standing and moving about. In contrast to static balance (feet stay in one spot), dynamic balan...

3 Ways to Improve Sitting Balance with ADL Balance Trainer

3 Ways to Improve Sitting Balance with ADL Balance Trainer

In Inpatient Rehab and Skilled Nursing Facilities it is common to have patients that are unable to sit independently. For these patients, learning ...

5 Tips for Learning to Stand Again Using the ADL Balance Trainer

5 Tips for Learning to Stand Again Using the ADL Balance Trainer

As the inventor and avid user of the ADL Balance Trainer, I will spend the next couple of blog posts on treatment tips with the Trainer. While it w...

2 Basic Balance Needs for Patients in IPR & SNF

2 Basic Balance Needs for Patients in IPR & SNF

The primary goal for patients in In-Patient Rehab (IPR) and Skilled Nursing Facilities (SNF) is to discharge home. For this to occur in a safe and ...

Time to Pull the Plug (on Balance)?

Time to Pull the Plug (on Balance)?

WARNING: This blog post is largely opinionated, read with caution. Technology should exist to help our patients, not just because it is visually ap...

3 Reactionary Balance Training Tips

3 Reactionary Balance Training Tips

Sometimes we can anticipate a balance challenge, other times we get caught by surprise. Anticipation is seeing someone walking your way with their ...

5 Ways to Progress Balance Exercises

5 Ways to Progress Balance Exercises

Movements can be modified in 5 simple ways to affect the degree of balance difficulty. In the paragraphs below the following 5 movement modificatio...

Part 3: List of Must Have Balance Training Equipment

Part 3: List of Must Have Balance Training Equipment

In the previous post “The Business Case for Better Balance,” I wrote that being the best at balance is a competitive advantage and includes excelling in 3 areas: knowledge (see 5-Point Check of Balance Knowledge post), equipment, and systems. In respect to equipment, I stated the best “have the equipment needed to treat various balance problems […]