ADL Balance Blog
Stand Stronger at Home: Introducing the ADL Wheelchair Leg Press - Home Edition
Building the muscle strength and power needed to stand has historically been a challenge from a wheelchair. As a physical therapist, I've tri...
How Intense Should Balance Exercise Be?
To improve balance, individuals need to be challenged at an appropriate level. Such a level achieves a healthy mix of steadiness AND unsteadiness....
5 Exercises to Help Improve Balance & Reduce Touching/Holding When Standing
Lower-level patients typically cannot stand without touching or holding onto something sturdy - walker, dresser, counter, chair, etc. If these pati...
6 Exercises to Avoid Tipping & Falling Backwards
Some patients are prone to a posterior loss of balance, which is incredibly scary and often leads to a strong fear of falling. To help combat this ...
4 Types of Falls
Falls are defined as losses of balance that result in unexpected and rapid descents to lower surfaces, typically the floor. While the definition of...
6 Reactionary Balance Exercises to Help Prepare for Unexpected Obstacles of Life
A common characteristic among falls is the presence of the unexpected. In a recent Balance Pros survey on falls, examples of unexpected fall factor...
10 Balance Exercises for Going Sans Cane or Walker
When was the last time you heard a patient say "I don't need a cane" or "I can walk without a walker?" If you work in the area of balance rehabilit...
6 Weight Shifting Exercises to Improve Balance
Weight shifting exercises involve the rhythmical progression of one's center of pressure back and forth over a fixed base. For example, in forward ...
Randomized Reaching Exercise to Improve Balance for Reaching Down
During this exercise, the patient places a cone on the ADL Balance Mat that corresponds to the number (1-12) called out by the Clock Yourself App. ...
Wall Off Exercises to Improve Balance Recovery
Wall offs target hip strategies to improve balance recovery. This video demonstrates 3 variations: posterior, anterior, and lateral. Because losses...
5 Cone Exercises to Improve Balance
Therapy CONES are found in most rehabilitation gyms. Individuals with BALANCE limitations are also found in most (if not all) rehabilitation gyms. ...
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